This reminds me of the whole OJ fiasco — just b/c a racist cop from the fascist LAPD tried to plant evidence did not mean he wasn’t guilty. In this case, just b/c a Neocon Queen and fascist DNC want to shift blame to Russia for inexplicably losing to the least popular candidate ever does not mean that Russia did not interfere, or that Bannon/Kushner/Cambridge Analytics did not collude, or that Trump is not the head of a mafia syndicate. And just b/c uber-Mensch is a Thatcherite Torry does not mean her MI5 contacts are playing her, or that she’s wrong to think this will take down Trump and the RNC. I’m a long-time progressive and fierce critic of both parties, but I’m also an attorney and I’m able to separate my biases from what I see coming out of Mueller’s investigation. It is all about money laundering in the end, and a lot of greedy politicians are going to meet their Waterloo — possibly very soon.